
The San Marocs Education Foundation was created to support the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District by providing resources for programs and activities that aren't funded within the SMCISD's normal operating budget.  In that spirit we are pleased to sponsor the Teacher of the Year awards and to award grants each year for creative and innovative teaching programs, techniques and ideas.

Teacher of the Year

The Texas State Teacher of the Year (TOY) Program has been honoring educators since 1969 for excellence in the classroom.  The teachers are chosen by their peers each year at the campus level.  From the 11 SMCISD candidates, the SMEF board selection committee reads essays written by each teacher and selects the Elementary Teacher of the Year and the Secondary Teacher of the Year.  

Innovative Teaching Grants

The SMEF awards grants each spring for creative and innovative teaching techniques and ideas to be used in the classroom to enhance the learning experience for SMCISD students and teachers.  Grants are awarded each spring for projects to begin the following fall semester.